Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Somehow Thanksgiving has become my responsibility. My mother passed the baton onto my sister, who gave it to me. Last year I did it because Ann had just gotten out of the hospital, after a year or so of battling mental illness and addiction. She's better, but she also does not live here anymore, so I am not the official Thanksgiving host, not to mention other holidays. If that doesn't make you feel old I am not sure what does! Now I should mention my brother-in-law will cook the turkey, he always does, on the grill, so that is one thing I do not have to worry about. Thank you, Alfredo!

I have to admit I am not a huge Thanksgiving dinner fan. I like the turkey and mashed potatoes, bit the rest I can leave... So it is hard to get enthused about creating a meal I really do not want to eat. I am trying to make it my own, but some folks are too darn attached to some items. I can say that I have successfully exorcised the dreaded green bean casserole from the menu. Alleluia! But I did still buy the french fried onions.

On the menu: the classics for us, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, candied yams, stovetop stuffing. Instead of canned cranberry sauce we are trying a spirited one with port and orange liquor... A squash casserole is the green bean casserole's replacement, and in hopes of getting rid of candied yams next year I am doing a sweet potato and butternut squash bread pudding. I'll let you know how it goes...

Oh, and of course the sweet potato and pumpkin pies will be there...an eggnog pumpkin pie.

So, as far as what the holiday is really about, I have much to be thankful for. Ann is doing much better, and that, honestly, would be enough for me. But we have the resources to buy all that food I am dreading cooking. Thank you God! We have our health, and we are never without something fun and exciting to do with the boys... We have our friends and our family, and we have the ability to worship God openly.

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