Sunday, May 10, 2009

Painting, painting painting...

I have been a painter off and on since junior high. Recently I took a two day intensive Bob Ross style painting class, and have decided that it is time to decide if I can develop my talent enough to do this for real or hang up my palette once and for all. (The gentleman who teaches the class is Ed Gowen...his website is So I have been trying to paint some each day, not easy with two small ones in the house. But I am going to do it anyway! I have decided to use this blog space as a chance to show off my work, and if I really stick with it, the blog may open an opportunity up to become part of the daily painters website, where I can sell some stuff (hopefully). Here is the website: I know I have to develop a lot, but if I am not doing it regularly I will never develop at all. So here goes! Here are the pictures I have done since the class, and in class.

Now if I can figure out how to post them AFTER the text...maybe a new entry is necessary...

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